Brōmus inērmis

Unit: kg

Included in the State Register for the Volga-Vyatka (4), Middle Volga (7), West Siberian (10) and Far Eastern (12) regions. The bush is upright, loose. Plant height 100-177 cm. Stem is rounded, medium soft, with slight pubescence. Strong bushiness. The leaf is lanceolate, without pubescence, with a weak waxy bloom. Inflorescence is a semi-compressed panicle. The seeds are large, light brown. The average yield of dry matter in the Volga-Vyatka region is 77.2 c / ha, the Middle Volga region – 74.2 c / ha, West Siberian – 33.9 c / ha, the Far East – 43.4 c / ha, higher than the standards by 6 ,five; 3.9; 0.6 and 1.2 c / ha, respectively. Recommended for cultivation in the Sakhalin region. Weakly struck by rust.


Regions of admission – 9 (Ural), 10 (West Siberian), 11 (East Siberian). The grass stand is dense, evenly developed. Stems up to 1 m or more. The variety is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, early maturing. Growth is good both in spring and after mowing. It is used for the creation of cultivated pastures and hayfields, as well as for the consolidation of lands subject to washout. It is used in fodder crop rotations, in the creation of cultural and improvement of natural hayfields and pastures, as well as in the sodding of slope lands. Does not withstand acidic and dense soils. It is one of the most productive cereals. Differs in high feed values. It usually forms one or two cuttings or one cut and aftermath. With multi-cut early mowing (3-4 times), it is heavily thinned out in subsequent years. It is very well eaten by animals. Under favorable conditions, it can be stored in the grass stand for hay use for more than 8-10 years, for pasture use – 6-7 years. The highest seed yields are obtained in the second-fourth years of life. Refers to valuable hay and pasture plants. The yield of hay ranges from 12 c / ha in arid areas to 50 c / ha and more in floodplain meadows – the yield of hay reaches 135 c / ha. 100 kg of rump hay contains 57.2 units. and 5.9 kg of digestible protein.

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Minimum order quantity:
from 5 tons
Perennial and annual herbs
with delivery: from 500 kg
from warehouse: from 100 kg

Delivery methods:
  • Pickup
  • Trucks
  • Railway transport

At your request, the specialists of our company will help you calculate the delivery and offer the most favorable conditions.

Ways of payment:

Cashless payments

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