
Unit: kg

Included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth (5) and Middle Volga (7) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Tambov and Ulyanovsk regions. A variety of alat. The type of growth is determinant. The apical inflorescence is a medium brush. Buds and flowers are white-pink. The average yield in the Central Black Earth Region is 16.3 c / ha, at the standard level. In the Tambov region, with a yield of 23.3 c / ha, it provided an increase of 5.6 c / ha. In the Middle Volga region, with a yield of 19.3 c / ha, the increase to the average standards was 2.4 c / ha. In the Ulyanovsk region, the yield was 22.2 c / ha, 3.5 c / ha higher than the Saulyk variety. The maximum yield of 35.3 c / ha was obtained in the Voronezh region in 2006. Mid-season, growing season 70-110 days, ripens simultaneously with the varieties Demetra and Dikul. Resistant to lodging and drought. It is characterized by amicable ripening. Technological and culinary qualities are high. It is characterized by high uniformity. The grain is large. The mass of 1000 grains is 30-36 g. Valuable in terms of quality. Ascochitosis was moderately affected.


Pedigree: multiple family-group selection from a hybrid population obtained with the participation of varieties Cheremshanka and Kazanskaya 309 against a provocative background. Included in the State Register for the Central (3) and Volgo-Vyatka (4) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Bryansk and Kirov regions. A variety of alat. Diploid. Growth type is indeterminate. The apical inflorescence is a shield. Buds and flowers are white-pink. The predominant color of the pericarp is black and gray. The mass of 1000 grains is 29-38 g. The average yield in the Central region is 14.2 c / ha; in Volgo-Vyatskiy – 11.7 kg / ha, at the level of standard varieties. In the Bryansk region, with a yield of 14 c / ha, the increase to the standard Rumor was 2.4 c / ha; in the Kirov region, with a yield of 15.7 c / ha, the Karakityanka variety exceeded by 2.6 c / ha. The maximum yield of 32.5 c / ha was obtained in the Kirov region in 2011. Mid-season, growing season 70-110 days. Resistance to lodging, shedding, drought – at the level of standard varieties. Technological and culinary qualities are high. Valuable for quality. During the years of testing in the field, ascochitosis was weakly affected.


Pedigree: family-group and mass selection from a hybrid combination created by crossing the varieties Chishminskaya, Yesen and black-fruited samples of the Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture. Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) and Ural (9) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Central steppe zone of the Orenburg region. A variety of alat. Diploid. Growth type is indeterminate. The apical inflorescence is a shield. The buds and flowers are white. The predominant color of the pericarp is black and gray. The mass of 1000 grains is 27-35 g. The average yield in the Middle Volga region is 13.8 c / ha, 1.7 c / ha higher than the standards; in the Ural region – 9.3 c / ha. In the Republic of Tatarstan, with a yield of 18.2 c / ha, the increase to the Chatyr Tau standard was 2.8 c / ha. In the Central steppe zone of the Orenburg region, the Sumchanka variety exceeded by 2.6 c / ha with a yield of 7.9 c / ha. The maximum yield of 32.4 c / ha was obtained in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2011. Mid-season, vegetation period of 75-120 days. Resistance to lodging, shedding, drought – at the level of standard varieties. Technological and culinary qualities are high. Valuable for quality. During the years of testing in the field, ascochitosis was weakly affected.


Pedigree: (Nine x Dialogue) x Demeter. Included in the State Register for the North Caucasus (6) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Rostov region. A variety of alat. Diploid. The type of development is determinant. The apical inflorescence is a brush. Buds and flowers are white-pink. The predominant color of the pericarp is gray-brown. The mass of 1000 grains is 28-33 g. The average yield in the North Caucasus region is 14.9 c / ha, at the level of the average standard. In the Rostov region, with a yield of 15.7 c / ha, the increase to the Kazanskaya 3 standard was 1.3 c / ha. The maximum yield of 25.6 c / ha was obtained in the Rostov region in 2013. Mid-season, the growing season is 65-95 days. Resistance to lodging, shedding and drought – at the level of standard varieties. Technological and culinary performance is high. Valuable for quality. During the years of testing in the field, it was not affected by ascochitosis.


Pedigree: individual and family-group selection from a complex hybrid population of large-fruited diploid buckwheat for high and stable yield and excellent grain quality. Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) and Lower Volga (8) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan and in the Saratov region. A variety of alat. Diploid. Growth type is indeterminate. The shape of the apical inflorescence is a shield. The buds are white-pink, the flowers are white. Height 70-110 cm, on average like the standard Karakityanka variety. The average grain yield in the Middle Volga and Lower Volga regions is, respectively, 14.6 and 11.5 c / ha, at the level of the average standard. In the Saratov region, with a yield of 16.3 c / ha, the increase was 1.1 c / ha. The maximum yield of 33.1 c / ha was obtained in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2000. Mid-season, ripens simultaneously with the Karakityanka variety. It is characterized by increased resistance to lodging. Resistance to shedding and drought – at the level of zoned varieties. Technological and culinary marks are high, surpassing the standard Karakityanka variety. The mass of 1000 grains is 27-35 g. It is included in the list of varieties of high quality. During the test period, it was struck by ascochitis at the standard level.


Pedigree: Demeter (D-12) x Rumor (OV-5). Included in the State Register for the Central (3), Central Black Earth (5) and North Caucasian (6) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Kaluga, Kursk regions and Krasnodar Territory. A variety of alat. Diploid. The type of growth is determinant. The apical inflorescence is a long raceme. Buds and flowers are white-pink. The average yield in the regions of tolerance is 11.0 c / ha, at the level of the average standard. In the Kaluga region, the increase to the Zhaleik standard was 2.2 c / ha with a yield of 9.1 c / ha. The maximum yield of 30.9 c / ha was obtained in the Oryol region in 2003. Mid-season, vegetation period of 83-95 days, ripens simultaneously with the Dikul variety or 1-2 days later. It is characterized by amicable flowering and ripening. Resistance to lodging and shedding is high, as in the Dikul variety. Technological and culinary qualities are high. The grain is leveled, large. It is characterized by high evenness (95-99%) and the yield of a large kernel (90%). The mass of 1000 grains is 30-36 g. It is included in the list of varieties of high quality. Ascochitosis was moderately affected.


Pedigree: multiple negative and mass selection from the hybrid combination D-13 x [DOV-56-7 x (D-10 + Rain + D-11)] for determinancy, small leaves, well-developed main shoot and large grained brush. Included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth (5) region. A variety of alat. The fruits are medium, the color is gray, gray-brown, the wings are medium. Plants are erect, determinate, height 70-125 cm, on average 15 cm lower than that of the standard Ballada variety. Small-leaved, the shape of the largest leaf is triangular-heart-shaped. Inflorescence is a raceme on medium axillary peduncles. The color of the buds and corolla is white, white-pink; the size is average. The average grain yield in the region is 17.4 c / ha, 0.8 c / ha higher than the average standard; in the Oryol region – 22.4 c / ha, 1.8 c / ha higher than the regionalized Ballada variety. The maximum yield of 33.7 c / ha was obtained in 1997 in the Oryol region. Mid-season, ripens simultaneously with the Ballada variety or 1-3 days earlier. It is characterized by increased (up to 5 points) lodging resistance. Resistance to shedding and drought – at the level of zoned varieties. Suitable for harvesting by direct combining. Due to its high resistance to lodging and a high harvesting index, the energy consumption for harvesting a unit of production of the Dikul variety is 12-20% lower. Responsive to fertilizers. The technological and culinary appreciation is high. It is characterized by increased uniformity, output of cereals and large kernels. The mass of 1000 grains is 28-32 g. It is included in the list of varieties of high quality. During the period of testing, disease and pest damage were not noted.

Kuibyshevskaya 85

Origin. The variety was bred by the method of individual-family selection from a hybrid population, belongs to the vulgare species.
General characteristics. Mid-season, ripens 12 – 15 days earlier than the standard Bogatyr variety. Heat-resistant, differs in amicable ripening of fruits, resistance to shattering of seeds, does not lodge.
Approbation signs. Variety of alata. The number of nodes in the branching zone is 4-5. The perianth is white-pink. The fruits are large (weight of 1000 grains – 32 – 33 g), winged, gray-brown in color with fine shading. The leaf is medium-sized, dark green in color.
Productivity: depending on weather conditions, forms a grain yield from 10 to
30 c / ha.
Quality indicators. The natural weight of the achenes is 580 – 590 g / l, the content of coarse grain fractions (4.2 – 4.5 mm) is 98-100%, the hulliness is 21 – 23%, the cereal yield is 75%. The protein content in cereals is 15-16%. The culinary appreciation of the porridge is excellent.
Disease and climatic resistance. Weakly affected by fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Differs in increased drought resistance and heat resistance.
The main elements of technology. The variety responds positively to additional moisture and irrigation. For autumn plowing, it is recommended to apply a complete mineral fertilizer at the rate of N60P90K60, and when sowing in rows, granulated superphosphate, 10-15 kg of ae. per 1 hectare.


Breeding method: multiple family-group selection from the materials of the breeding nursery of fasciated forms. It is included in the State Register for the Central Chernozem (5), Middle Volga (7), Lower Volga (8), Ural (9), West Siberian (10) and East Siberian (11) regions. Recommended for cultivation in Kursk, Penza, Saratov, Tomsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Khakassia. A variety of alat. Diploid. The type of development is indeterminate, prone to fasciation. The apical inflorescence is a shield. Buds and flowers are white-pink. The predominant color of the pericarp is black. The average yield in the Central Chernozem region is 23.3 c / ha, the Middle Volga region – 20.1 c / ha, West Siberian – 20.9 c / ha, the Ural region – 14.5 c / ha. In the Lower Volga region, the average yield was 17.2 c / ha, in the East Siberian region – 13.4 c / ha, higher than the average standard by 1.4 and 1.1 c / ha, respectively. The yield in the Penza region is 30.1 c / ha, at the level of the Saulyk standard. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia, with a yield of 22.5 and 22.8 c / ha, the increase to the Dikul standard was 4.2 and 5.2 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield is 46.4 c / ha, obtained in the Novosibirsk region in 2015. Mid-early, growing season – 72-97 days. Resistance to lodging and shedding is high, to drought – above average, at the level of standard varieties. The mass of 1000 grains is 25-34 g. Technological and culinary indicators are high. Valuable for quality. During the years of testing in the field, ascochitosis was weakly affected.

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