Brown flax

Unit: kg

Included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements and approved for use in production in the Lower Volga, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian regions since 1994. Early ripe variety. The growing season is 70-87 days. Due to its early maturity and high plasticity, it can be cultivated from the steppe zone to the subtaiga zone. Early maturity is combined in it with good productivity, high oil content of seeds. Seed yield from 1.2 to 2.5 t / ha. The oil content of the seeds is 47.0-50.0%, the iodine number of the oil is 180-186 units. It has a high resistance to fusarium (90-95%), shedding and lodging. The height of the stem at the time of ripening is 48-65 cm. The straw is suitable for obtaining short fibers. The flowers and anthers are blue, the corolla is dense. The capsule is rounded, with a pointed nose. The number of seeds in a box is 6-9 pieces. Seeds are ovoid, uniform brown in color. The mass of 1000 seeds is 7.0-8.5 g. The variety is suitable for mechanized cultivation.


Derived by the method of multiple individual from a hybrid combination (Kuban 1 x Western China) x Start on a fusarium background. Included in the State Register for the North Caucasus (6) region. The bush is compressed. The leaf is oblong-lanceolate, smooth, without pubescence, sessile. The arrangement of the leaves is spiral. The inflorescence is racemose. The flower is blue. The capsule is spherical, the intra-box septa are with cilia. The seeds are brown, ovoid, with a curved nose. The fat content in the seeds is 43.3-45.4%, the iodine number is 162-170. The growing season is 88-122 days. Resistant to lodging. Resistant to fusarium wilt.

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Payment and delivery terms
Minimum order quantity:
from 5 tons
Perennial and annual herbs
with delivery: from 500 kg
from warehouse: from 100 kg

Delivery methods:
  • Pickup
  • Trucks
  • Railway transport

At your request, the specialists of our company will help you calculate the delivery and offer the most favorable conditions.

Ways of payment:

Cashless payments

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