Golden flax

Unit: kg

Included in the State Register for the Lower Volga (8) and Ural (9) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Volgograd and Saratov regions. The stem is of medium length. The spotting of the sepal is weak. The color of the petal at the bud stage is blue-violet. The color of the petal at full development is light blue. The pistil is blue at the base. Medium sized box. Fringing of the false septum of the capsule is present. The seeds are yellow. The mass of 1000 seeds is average. Flowering time is average. Fat content – 44.2-45.9%, linoleic acid – 62.9-64.6%. In the Lower Volga region, the average seed yield is 9.9 c / ha. The mass of 1000 seeds is 4.9 g. The growing season is 85 days. The height of attachment of the lower branches is 26.4 cm. Resistance to lodging – 5.0 points, to shedding – 4.3 points, to drought – 4.0 points. In the Volgograd region, the seed yield is 11.2 c / ha, the standard is 11.3 c / ha. In the Saratov region, the seed yield is 7.4 c / ha, the standard is 6.7 c / ha. During the years of testing in the field of the region, disease damage was not observed. In the Ural region, the average seed yield is 16.0 c / ha. The mass of 1000 seeds is 6.9 g. The growing season is 117 days. The height of attachment of the lower branches is 19.1 cm. Resistance to lodging and shedding – 5 points, to drought – 4.0 points. During the years of testing in the field of the region, disease damage was not observed.

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Payment and delivery terms
Minimum order quantity:
from 5 tons
Perennial and annual herbs
with delivery: from 500 kg
from warehouse: from 100 kg

Delivery methods:
  • Pickup
  • Trucks
  • Railway transport

At your request, the specialists of our company will help you calculate the delivery and offer the most favorable conditions.

Ways of payment:

Cashless payments

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