Wheat spring/winter

Unit: Kg

Included in the State Register for the Central (3) region. Recommended for cultivation in Kaluga, Ryazan and Tula regions. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is of medium length and long. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear and upper internodes of the straw is medium, on the sheath of the flag leaf is medium – strong. The spike is cylindrical, of medium density – dense, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short. The shoulder is rounded, narrow. The tooth is moderately curved, very short – short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 30-38 g. The average yield in the Central region is 26.6 c / ha, exceeding the average standard by 2.1 c / ha. In the Ryazan region, the increase to the Daria standard was 4.9 c / ha, in the Kaluga region – 2.7, and in the Tula region – 6.5 c / ha with an average yield of 18.1 c / ha; 17.9 and 38.4 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield of 64.3 c / ha was obtained in 2012 in the Tula region. Mid-season, growing season 75-84 days, ripens 1-2 days earlier than Daria standard. Resistance to lodging is good, according to this indicator it is inferior to the Daria variety up to 0.5-1.0 points. Drought resistance at the standard level. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Moderately resistant to leaf rust and root rot. In the field, it was moderately affected by Septoriasis.

Al Waris

Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is of medium length and long. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the spike, the sheath of the flag leaf and the upper internodes of the straw is medium – strong. The ear is pyramidal, medium density, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are very short – short. The shoulder is rounded, narrow – of medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 31-42 g. The average yield in the Middle Volga region is 31.3 c / ha. In the Republic of Tatarstan, the increase to the Hayat standard was 3.3 c / ha with a yield of 43.4 c / ha. The maximum yield is 62.8 c / ha, obtained in 2018 in the Republic of Tatarstan. The mid-late vegetation period is 83-94 days, ripens 3-4 days later than the Hayat variety. Lodging resistance and drought resistance at the standard level. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Susceptible to dusty and hard smut. Highly susceptible to leaf rust. In the field, it was weakly affected by powdery mildew.


Включен в Госреестр по Волго-Вятскому (4) и Средневолжскому (7) регионам. Рекомендован для возделывания в Самарской области, Северной лесостепи низменности Свердловской области, Закамской зоне Республики Татарстан и Юго-западной зоне Пензенской области. Разновидность лютесценс. Куст полупрямостоячий. Растение среднерослое. Соломина выполнена слабо. Восковой налет на колосе средний, на верхнем междоузлии соломины – сильный, на влагалище флагового листа – очень сильный. Колос цилиндрический, средней плотности, белый, с очень короткими остевидными отростками на конце. Плечо скошенное, очень узкое – узкое. Зубец слегка изогнут, очень короткий. Зерновка окрашенная. Масса 1000 зерен – 33-40 г. Средняя урожайность в Волго-Вятском регионе – 29,3 ц/га, в Средневолжском – 25,8 ц/га. В рекомендуемых зонах возделывания Свердловской области и Республики Татарстан прибавки к стандарту Симбирцит составили 3,3 и 2,6 ц/га при урожайности 36,2 и 35,6 ц/га соответственно. Прибавка к стандарту Кинельская нива в Юго-западной зоне Пензенской области – 3,1 ц/га, в Самарской области – 4,2 ц/га при урожайности 18,5 и 20,9 ц/га соответственно. Максимальная урожайность (60,5 ц/га) получена в 2013 г. в Нижегородской области. Среднеспелый, вегетационный период – 77-96 дней, cозревает одновременно с сортами Симбирцит и Кинельская нива. Устойчивость к полеганию и засухоустойчивость на уровне стандартов. Хлебопекарные качества хорошие. Ценная пшеница. Устойчив к бурой ржавчине. В полевых условиях пыльной головней поражался средне.


Included in the State Register for the Central (3) and Middle Volga (7) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Moscow region and the Republic of Tatarstan. A kind of lutescens. Erect bush – semi-erect. The plant is short and of medium length. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the upper internodes of the straw and on the sheath of the flag leaf is medium – strong. The ear is pyramidal, loose, white. The shoulder is rounded, of medium width. The tooth is straight – slightly curved, very short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 32-46 g. The average yield in the regions of admission is 30.2 c / ha, at the level of standards. In the Republic of Tatarstan, the increase to the standard in Memory of Aziev was 4.1 c / ha, with a yield of 36.7 c / ha. The maximum yield of 53.8 c / ha was obtained in 2008 in the Smolensk region. Mid-early vegetation period of 75-96 days, ripens 2-3 days earlier than the Pamyat Aziev variety and 4-5 days earlier than Lada. Resistant to lodging. Medium drought resistant. Baking quality at the level of a good filler. Susceptible to leaf rust and septoria. In the field, it was weakly affected by a dusty smut. Guarded.


Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Penza region. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear is medium, on the upper internodes of the straw and the sheath of the flag leaf – medium – strong. The spike is cylindrical, of medium density – dense, white, with very short – short awn-like processes at the end. Beveled shoulder – rounded, of medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, very short – short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 32-39 g. The average yield in the Middle Volga region was 24.8 c / ha. In the Penza region, the increase to the Kinelskaya Niva standard was 1.2 c / ha with a yield of 19.6 c / ha. The maximum yield (57.6 c / ha) was obtained in 2014 in the Republic of Tatarstan. The mid-ripening vegetation period is 76-85 days, ripening at the same time or 1-2 days earlier than the varieties Kinelskaya Niva and Simbirtsit. Lodging resistance at the level of standard varieties. In terms of drought resistance, it exceeds the Kinelskaya Niva variety by 0.3-1.0 points. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Moderately resistant to brown rust.


Included in the State Register for the Volgo-Vyatka (4), Central Black Earth (5) and Middle Volga (7) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod and Tambov regions. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the spike and sheath of the flag leaf is medium, strong on the upper internodes of the straw. The spike is fusiform, of medium density, white, with short awning processes at the end. The shoulder is straight – raised, of medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, very short – short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 33-42 g. The average yield in the Volga-Vyatka region is 31.7 c / ha, 2.1 c / ha higher than the average standard, in the Central Chernozem region – 42.2 c / ha, at the average level standard, in Srednevolzhsky – 27.3 c / ha, 2.3 c / ha higher than the average standard. The addition to the Simbirtzit standard in the Nizhny Novgorod region was 3.9 c / ha, in the Republic of Tatarstan – 2.1 c / ha with a yield of 33.4 and 33.1 c / ha, respectively. In the Penza region, the increase to the Kinelskaya Niva standard was 1.7 c / ha, in the Tambov region to the Favorit standard – 4.5 c / ha with a yield of 20.1 and 41.9 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield (84 kg / ha) was obtained in 2014 in the Kursk region. Mid-ripening, vegetation period – 78-95 days, ripens simultaneously with Simbirtsit and Kinelskaya Niva varieties. In terms of lodging resistance, it is inferior to standards up to 1 point. Drought resistance at the level of the Simbirtzit standard. Baking quality at the level of a good filler. Moderately resistant to brown rust.

Kazan Jubilee

Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. Solomina has a medium waxy bloom on the upper internode. Flag leaf with a strong waxy coating on the leaf blade and very strong on the sheath. The spike is cylindrical, loose – of medium density, white. The shoulder is straight, narrow – of medium width. The tooth is short, straight. The grain is ovoid, colored, with a long tuft. The mass of 1000 grains is 34-38 g. The average yield in the region was 29 c / ha, and in the Republic of Tatarstan – 38.9 c / ha, 1.0 c / ha lower than the average standard and at the level of the widespread variety in the republic Lyuba. The maximum yield of 51 c / ha was obtained in 2003 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Mid-season, vegetation period 87-90 days, ripens simultaneously with the Prokhorovka standard. Moderately resistant to lodging and drought. In the year of manifestation of the trait, it is prone to lodging. The dignity of the variety is its excellent baking qualities. Included in the list of strong varieties. Moderately susceptible to hard smut, highly susceptible to brown rust, powdery mildew. Dust smut during the test period in the region was not affected.


Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ulyanovsk region. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. Solomina is performed very poorly. The wax coating on the upper internodes and sheath of the flag leaf is very strong. The ear is pyramidal, of medium density. The shoulder is rounded, of medium width. The tooth is straight, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 33-40 g. High-yielding. The average yield in the region was 22.9 c / ha, exceeding the average standard by 3.0 c / ha. In the Republic of Tatarstan, the yield ranged from 25 to 59 c / ha, exceeding the standard Prokhorovka variety by 6-9 c / ha. The maximum yield of 61.8 c / ha was obtained in 2006 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Mid-season, vegetation period 80-94 days, ripens simultaneously with the standards of Prokhorovka, Zemlyachka. Highly resistant to lodging, moderately drought resistant. Baking quality is satisfactory – wheat filler. Moderately susceptible to septoria. Susceptible to brown rust. In the zoning zone, the defeat of the head smut was not observed.

Tulaykovskaya 108

Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Mordovia and the Samara region. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear and upper internodes of the straw is medium, on the sheath of the flag leaf is strong. The ear is pyramidal, of medium density, white, with short osteiform processes at the end. The shoulder is rounded, of medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 32-38 g. The average yield in the Middle Volga region was 23.9 c / ha, 2.6 c / ha higher than the average standard. In the Republic of Mordovia, the increase to the Tulaykovskaya 10 standard was 10.7 c / ha, in the Republic of Tatarstan – 3.1 c / ha, in the Samara region – to the Kinelskaya Niva standard – 4.3 c / ha with a yield of 35.1 c / ha; 27.9 and 17.4 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield of 55.0 c / ha was obtained in 2012 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Mid-ripening, vegetation period 74-85 days, ripens simultaneously with the Kinelskaya Niva variety and 1-3 days later than Tulaykovskaya 10. Medium resistant to lodging. Drought resistance at and above standards. The baking quality is excellent. Strong wheat. Susceptible to dusty and hard smut. In the field, it was slightly affected by brown rust and powdery mildew.

Ulyanovskaya 100

Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Ulyanovsk region. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is performed poorly. The wax coating on the spike is medium, on the upper internode of the straw is strong – very strong, on the sheath of the flag leaf is very strong. The ear is pyramidal, loose, white, with short awn-like processes at the end. Rounded shoulder – straight, medium width. The tooth is straight, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 29-40 g. The average yield in the region is 19.4 kg / ha, at the level of standards. In the Ulyanovsk region, the increase to the Simbirtsit standard was 2.8 c / ha with a yield of 18.0 c / ha. The maximum yield of 49.3 c / ha was obtained in 2011 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Mid-ripening, growing season 71-83 days, ripens simultaneously with the Simbirtsit variety. Lodging resistance at the standard level. Drought-resistant, according to this indicator, the Simbirtsit variety exceeds by up to 0.5 points. Baking quality at the level of a good filler. Susceptible to dusty and hard smut. In the field, it was weakly affected by brown rust; powdery mildew – medium.

Ulyanovskaya 105

It is included in the State Register for the Volgo-Vyatka (4), Middle Volga (7) and Ural (9) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Mari El, the Udmurt Republic, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ulyanovsk and Orenburg regions. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear is strong, on the upper internodes of the straw and on the sheath of the flag leaf is very strong. The ear is pyramidal, medium density, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short. Rounded shoulder, medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, very short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 29-42 g. The average yield in the Volga-Vyatka region is 33.2 c / ha, in the Middle Volga region – 29.0 c / ha, in the Ural region – 22.8 c / ha, which is 2.2; 2.9 and 2.6 c / ha above the average standard, respectively. The addition to the Simbirtzit standard in the Republic of Mari El, the Udmurt Republic, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ulyanovsk and Orenburg regions was 5.8; 2.1; 7.0; 2.5 and 2.5 c / ha with a yield of 29.0; 31.7; 44.2; 16.5 and 15.8 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield is 63.9 c / ha, obtained in 2015 in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Mid-ripening, growing season – 77-95 days, ripens 2-3 days later than Simbirtsit variety. Lodging resistance at the standard level. In terms of drought resistance, it exceeds the standard by up to 1 point. Baking quality at the level of a good filler. In field conditions, it was moderately affected by brown rust, dusty smut and powdery mildew.

Ekada 70

Включен в Госреестр по Средневолжскому (7) региону. Рекомендован для возделывания в Республике Татарстан и Ульяновской области. Разновидность лютесценс. Куст полупрямостоячий. Соломина выполнена слабо. Восковой налет на верхнем междоузлии соломины и на влагалище флагового листа очень сильный. Колос цилиндрический, средней плотности, белый. Плечо скошенное, узкой – средней ширины. Зубец прямой, очень короткий. Зерновка окрашенная. Масса 1000 зерен 34-40 г. Средняя урожайность в регионе составила 25,4 ц/га, на 2,5 ц/га выше среднего стандарта. В Республике Татарстан урожайность колебалась от 30 до 43 ц/га, а прибавка к стандарту Прохоровка от 1,5 до 6,0 ц/га. Максимальная урожайность 58 ц/га получена в 2006 г. в Республике Татарстан. Среднеспелый, вегетационный период 72-92 дня, созревает одновременно со стандартами Прохоровка и Землячка или на 2-3 дня раньше. Устойчив к полеганию и засухе. Хлебопекарные качества удовлетворительные. Пшеница филлер. Умеренно устойчив к твердой головне; умеренно восприимчив к пыльной головне и бурой ржавчине; восприимчив к септориозу.

Ekada 109

Included in the State Register for the Volgo-Vyatka (4), Central Black Earth (5), Middle Volga (7) and Ural (9) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Belgorod and Nizhny Novgorod regions, in the Republics of Tatarstan, Mari El and in the forest-steppe zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear and on the upper internodes of the straw is strong, on the sheath of the flag leaf is very strong. The spike is cylindrical, of medium density, white, with short to medium length osteiform processes at the end. Beveled shoulder – rounded, of medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 32-46 g. The average yield in the Volgo-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, Middle Volga and Ural regions was 36.7; 26.1; 25.7 and 19.8 c / ha, respectively. In the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Mari El, the increase to the Simbirtsit standard was 2.6 and 2.4 c / ha with a yield of 40.3 and 31.4 c / ha. In the Belgorod region, with a yield of 25.9 c / ha, the increase to the Prokhorovka standard was 5.3 c / ha. In the forest-steppe zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the increase to the Omskaya 35 standard was 4.2 c / ha with a yield of 26.1 c / ha. The maximum yield of 69.4 c / ha was obtained in 2011 in the Sverdlovsk region. Mid-ripening, growing season 74-89 days, ripens simultaneously with the varieties Simbirtsit and Prokhorovka. Lodging resistance at the level of standard varieties. Medium drought resistant. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Resistant to septoria; moderately resistant to hard smut and brown rust; moderately susceptible to powdery mildew; susceptible to root rot. In the field, it was strongly affected by a dusty smut.

Ekada 113

Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) and Ural (9) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Southern forest-steppe and Ural steppe zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Samara region, the Northern forest-steppe and Western steppe zones of the Orenburg region. A variety of albidum. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the spike is medium, on the upper internode of the straw is strong, on the sheath of the flag leaf is very strong. The spike is cylindrical, of medium density, white with short awn-like processes at the end. The shoulder is sloping, narrow. The tooth is slightly curved, very short. The caryopsis is white. The mass of 1000 grains is 32-39 g. The average yield in the Middle Volga region was 22.8 c / ha, exceeding the average standard by 1.7 c / ha; in the Ural region – 15 c / ha. In the recommended zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan, with an average yield of 22.6 c / ha, the increase to the Omskaya 35 standard was 2.6 c / ha, and in the Republic of Tatarstan – 3.3 c / ha to the Ekada 109 variety with an average yield of 28.6 c / ha. ha. In the Northern forest-steppe and Western steppe zones of the Orenburg region, with a yield of 14.1 c / ha, the increase to the Favorit standard was 1.3 c / ha. In the Samara region, the variety exceeded the standard Kinelskaya Niva by 4.1 c / ha with an average yield of 17.2 c / ha. The maximum yield of 50.3 c / ha was obtained in 2012 in the Republic of Mordovia. Medium late vegetation period 75-89 days, ripens 2-4 days later than Kinelskaya Niva, Favorit and Omskaya 35 varieties. Lodging resistance is at the level of standard varieties. In terms of drought resistance, it exceeds the standards up to 1 point. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Susceptible to dusty and hard smut, brown rust.

Ekada 214

Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Ulyanovsk region. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear is medium, on the sheath of the flag leaf and the upper internodes of the straw is medium – strong. The ear is pyramidal, medium density, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short. Rounded shoulder, medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 35-41 g. The average yield in the Middle Volga region is 33.2 c / ha. The addition to the standard Ulyanovskaya 105 in the Ulyanovsk region was 1.8 c / ha with a yield of 27.3 c / ha. The maximum yield is 57.6 c / ha, obtained in 2017 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Mid-ripening, vegetation period – 81-99 days, ripens 2-3 days earlier than the Ulyanovskaya 105 variety. Resistance to lodging and drought resistance at the standard level. Baking quality at the level of a satisfactory filler. Moderately susceptible to brown rust and head smut. Strongly susceptible to head smut. In the field, it was weakly affected by powdery mildew, and strongly by septoria.


Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Republic of Tatarstan. A kind of lutescens. An intermediate type bush. Solomina has a strong waxy coating on the upper internode. Flag leaf with a strong waxy coating on the lamina and sheath. The ear is pyramidal, medium density, white. The shoulder is rounded and wide. The tooth is very short and straight. The grain is elongated, colored, with a medium – long tuft. The mass of 1000 grains is 27-35 g. The average yield in the Republic of Tatarstan was 40.7 c / ha, exceeding the average standard by 1.4 c / ha, and in the region – 29 c / ha, at the level of the average standard. The maximum yield of 54 kg / ha was obtained in 2003 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Mid-ripening, vegetation period 84-96 days, ripens simultaneously with the Prokhorovka variety. Resistant to lodging. The baking quality is good – valuable wheat. Susceptible to brown rust. During the test period, it was slightly affected by powdery mildew, yellow rust, and septoria – moderately.

Kinelskaya Jubilee

Included in the State Register for the Middle Volga (7) and Ural (9) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Southern forest-steppe, Trans-Ural and Cis-Ural steppe zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Samara region and the Northern forest-steppe zone of the Orenburg region. A variety of erythrospermum. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear and upper internodes of the straw is weak, on the sheath of the flag leaf it is medium. The ear is cylindrical, loose, white. Awns at the end of the spike are short. The shoulder is sloping, narrow. The tooth is slightly curved, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 31-39 g. The average yield in the Middle Volga region is 22.5 c / ha, in the Ural region – 20.0 c / ha. The addition to the Kinelskaya Niva standard in the Samara region was 1.1 c / ha with a yield of 17.6 c / ha. In the recommended zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan, with an average yield of 25.1 c / ha, the increase to the Omskaya 35 standard was 2.5 c / ha. In the Northern forest-steppe zone of the Orenburg region, with a yield of 18.9 c / ha, the increase to the Favorit standard was 1.5 c / ha. The maximum yield – 50.8 c / ha – was obtained in 2014 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Mid-ripening, growing season – 76-89 days, ripens simultaneously with the Kinelskaya Niva variety. Resistant to lodging. Drought tolerance at the standard level. Baking quality at the level of a good filler. Moderately resistant to brown rust. Moderately susceptible to head smut.


Included in the State Register for the Central (3) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Ivanovo region. A kind of lutescens. Semi-erect bush – intermediate. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear and upper internodes of the straw is strong, on the sheath of the flag leaf is medium – strong. The ear is cylindrical, medium density, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short. The shoulder is sloping – rounded, narrow – of medium width. The tooth is straight – slightly curved, very short – short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 37-46 g. The average yield in the Central region is 33.6 c / ha. The addition to the KVS Torridon standard in the Ivanovo region was 5.1 c / ha with a yield of 36.8 c / ha. The maximum yield is 62.5 c / ha, obtained in 2017 in the Moscow region. Mid-season, growing season – 84-103 days, ripens simultaneously with the KVS Torridon variety. In terms of lodging resistance, it is inferior to the standard up to 1 point. Drought resistance at the standard level. Baking quality at the level of a satisfactory filler. Moderately resistant to head smut. Highly susceptible to head smut and brown rust. In the field, it was weakly affected by powdery mildew.


Included in the State Register for the Central (3) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Bryansk, Vladimir and Smolensk regions. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is short and of medium length. Solomina is poorly executed. The waxy coating on the spike, the upper internodes of the straw and the sheath of the flag leaf is strong. The ear is cylindrical, medium density, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short. The shoulder is straight, of medium width. The tooth is moderately curved, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 29-40 g. The average yield in the region is 25.2 c / ha, 1.8 c / ha higher than the average standard. The increase to the Daria standard in the Bryansk region was 5.1 c / ha, in the Smolensk region – 3.4 c / ha, in the Vladimir region – 3.8 c / ha with a yield of 28, 33.7 and 35 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield of 53.6 c / ha was obtained in 2010 in the Vladimir region. Mid-season, growing season 71-84 days, ripens 1-2 days earlier than the Daria variety. Resistant to lodging. Drought resistance at the standard level. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Moderately susceptible to powdery mildew. In the field, it was moderately affected by brown rust and root rot.


It is included in the State Register for the Central (3) and Central Black Earth (5) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Tula, Kursk and Orel regions. A kind of lutescens. Erect bush – semi-erect. Solomina is performed poorly. The wax coating on the upper internodes of the straw is very strong, on the sheath and the leaf blade of the flag leaf is strong – very strong. The ear is pyramidal, medium density, white. The shoulder is rounded, of medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, of medium length. The grain is ovoid, colored, with a tuft of medium length. The mass of 1000 grains is 33-38 g. The average yield in the Central and Central Black Earth regions was 30-35 c / ha, 3.9 c / ha higher than the average standard. The average yield in the Vladimir region was 45.5 c / ha, exceeding the Lada standard by 7.3 c / ha. In the Oryol region, the average yield of the variety is 48.5 c / ha, an increase to the average standard of 6.8 c / ha. The maximum yield of 72.6 c / ha was obtained in 2005 in the Lipetsk region. Mid-season, vegetation period 85-95 days, ripens simultaneously with the standards of Prokhorovka, Lada. Resistant to lodging, exceeds the specified standards by 0.6-1.0 points. For baking qualities – valuable wheat. Moderately affected by powdery mildew; moderately susceptible to septoria; susceptible to brown rust, dusty and hard smut.


Included in the State Register for the North-West (2) region. Recommended for cultivation in the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions. A kind of lutescens. An intermediate bush. Solomina with medium – strong waxy bloom on the upper internodes. The flag leaf has a strong waxy coating on the sheath and lamina. The ear is pyramidal, the middle one is dense, white. Colored grain. The mass of 1000 grains is 33-40 g. The average yield in the region was 29.7 c / ha, exceeding the average standard by 5 c / ha. In the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions, the yield ranges from 33 to 59 c / ha, an increase to the Lada and Irgin standards from 6 to 11 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield of 59.4 c / ha was obtained in 2003 in the Leningrad region. The mid-late vegetation period is 85-90 days, ripens simultaneously with the Lada variety in the Kaliningrad region and 7-9 days later than the early-maturing Irgina variety in the Leningrad region. Resistant to lodging, exceeding the standard for this indicator by 0.7-1.0 points. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Moderately susceptible to brown rust, powdery mildew. Severely susceptible to hard smut. During the period of testing, no lesions of the head smut were noted.


Included in the State Register for the Volgo-Vyatka (4) and West Siberian (10) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions, the Perm region and the Altai Republic. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear is strong, on the upper internodes of the straw and the sheath of the flag leaf is very strong. The ear is cylindrical, medium density, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short. The shoulder is sloping, narrow. The tooth is straight, very short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 35-40 g. The average yield in the Volga-Vyatka region is 27.8 c / ha, in the West Siberian region – 22.7 c / ha. In the Perm Territory, with a yield of 35.1 c / ha, the increase to the Gornouralskaya standard was 3.2 c / ha, in the Tyumen region to the Novosibirskaya 31 variety with a yield of 32.4 c / ha – 1.9 c / ha. The maximum yield (60.1 c / ha) was obtained in 2013 in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Mid-early vegetation period – 75-89 days, ripens simultaneously with the standards. Lodging resistance at the level of the Gornouralskaya standard. Medium drought tolerant. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Highly susceptible to root rot and leaf rust; susceptible to powdery mildew. In the field, it was strongly affected by a dust smut.


It is included in the State Register for the North-West (2), Central (3) and Central Black Earth (5) regions. Recommended for cultivation in Moscow, Kostroma, Belgorod, Kursk and Orel regions. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is medium. The wax coating on the ear is weak – medium, on the upper internodes of the straw and the sheath of the flag leaf is medium. The ear is pyramidal, medium density, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short and of medium length. The shoulder is raised, of medium width. The tooth is slightly curved, short. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 33-44 g. The average yield in the North-West region is 29.7 c / ha, in the Central – 37.3 c / ha, in the Central Chernozem region – 41.0 c / ha. The increase to the Daria standard in Moscow, Kostroma, Kursk and Oryol regions was 3.3; 4.4; 5.8 and 7.1 c / ha with a yield of 40.2; 24.1; 49.5 and 46.3 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield is 73.4 c / ha, obtained in 2016 in the Kursk region. Mid-ripening, growing season – 72-97 days, ripens 1-2 days earlier than the Daria variety. Resistant to lodging. Medium drought resistant. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. In the field, it was weakly affected by root rot, powdery mildew and brown rust.


Included in the State Register for the North-West (2), Central (3) and Volgo-Vyatka (4) regions. Recommended for cultivation in the Kaliningrad, Vladimir and Kirov regions. A kind of lutescens. The bush is semi-erect. The plant is medium-sized. Solomina is poorly executed. The wax coating on the ear is weak, on the sheath of the flag leaf and the upper internodes of the straw is weak – medium. The ear is pyramidal, of medium density – dense, white. The osteiform processes at the end of the spike are short. Rounded shoulder – straight, medium width – wide. The tooth is moderately curved, short, of medium length. Colored caryopsis. The mass of 1000 grains is 36-45 g. The average yield in the North-West region is 27.4 c / ha, in the Central – 33.5 c / ha, in the Volgo-Vyatka region – 36.3 c / ha. In the Kirov region, the increase to the Margarita standard was 2.7 c / ha, in the Kaliningrad region – 4.0 c / ha to the Trizo standard with a yield of 43.7 c / ha and 38.1 c / ha, respectively. The maximum yield is 71.6 c / ha, obtained in 2017 in the Vladimir region. Medium late, growing season 81-104 days, ripens at the same time as Trizo. Lodging resistance and drought resistance at the level of the Trizo standard. The baking quality is good. Valuable wheat. Moderately resistant to head smut. Highly susceptible to head smut and brown rust. In the field, it was weakly affected by powdery mildew, moderately affected by root rot, and strongly by septoria.

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